Thursday, October 13, 2011

WND Publishes a Fair Insight of the MRM

Paul Elam of A Voice for Men linked an article in a relatively mainstream website called World Net Daily.  A website known for its more conservative lean, writer Phil Elmore conjured up an article about the "civil rights movement we've never heard of."  Elmore gives a crash course into the MRM (Men's Rights Movement) for his readers.  However, what sets this article apart from other mainstream sources is the objectivity it has towards the MRM.  Elmore chooses not to denigrate men but simply spread information on a movement that has been downplayed for speaking against feminist zealotry.  What is the best way to gain insight onto a population for those who are under informed or misinformed entirely with bigotry?  Mr. Elmore chose to go right to the horse's mouth and reported the words of MRAs, such as Paul Elam, John the Other, Angry Harry, Dr. Tara Palmatier, and Bernard Chapin.  Phil Elmore is what seems to be a rare commodity in the mainstream: a man who knows about and understands the purpose of the Men's Rights Movement.

In addition, Elmore also gives a mention of the controversial (in feminist and white knight circles) website is an online database of female criminals and bigots.  It covers false rape / domestic violence accusers, murders, rapists and pedophiles, and slanderers.  Covering a demographic deemed above critical overview, is an important step in achieving fairness in the civil rights field.

With all of the excitement in the air, I am filled with optimism right now that there will be future occurrences of newly minted MRAs, MRAs coming out of the shadows bravely willing to risk their career for truth and justice, and even those who might not care for the movement but feel it necessary to report the facts fairly.  As a movement, there is a lot of hate being directed at men who do not conform to the present culture of the United States.  It is a long time coming considering women have had their revolution to do whatever it is they feel like.  Then, in an ironic fashion, women require men to maintain their age old roles as males and tolerate female behavior irregardless if women do or do not follow their traditional roles.  It is a great pleasure to see writers such as Phil Elmore giving the MRM the time of day in the sensible notion of fair journalism.

I hope to see more article like this in the near future.  Until then, there is always the great articles found on A Voice for Men, The-Spearhead, and Angry Harry's website.  I will certainly be watching out for more great hit pieces from the talented writers within the MRM.

Forsaken Eagle

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