Monday, June 27, 2011

Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder

I decided to pick up an earlier Michael Savage book, "Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder," last week.  I have already finished reading it, which is remarkable considering all of the homework that is piling up.  I have to say I got what I expected out of this book.  In the usual Savage Truth-style, Dr. Savage uses well researched information to explain the issues that are corrupting and endangering our country.  The end result comes together to show the unbelievably ill-conceived behavior of the American left.  Their hatred of America and her values that makes this country great is put under Savage's magnifying glass and shown to be the disease it really is. 

Also in his usual style, Michael Savage includes a few of his personal stories to draw parallels to his points.  The one that stands out is the story about "Sam the Butcher."  Savage tells his readers about walking to the local butcher with his aunt.  Sam is described as a nice man who knows most of his usual customers (a stark difference compared to today according to Mike).  However, he and his aunt begin to suspect they were not getting the prime meat that his aunt payed for.  His aunt returns to the butcher and enters the back room to be sure that she was getting the real deal.  Indeed, Aunt Savage's meals tasted better after confronting Sam.  This story is used perfectly to show to Savage's readers that just because someone can put on a good smile and remember your name doesn't mean that same person will not try to screw you over.  This is just one of many of Michael Savage's great stories that only a man who has been around that block a few times could tell.

Overall, this book was a fun read and well worth the fifteen bucks I spent on it.  I might have to pick up his other books, "the Savage Nation" and "the Enemy Within."  Even though "Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder" is outdated in terms of current events (this book was written shortly after George W. Bush won a second term in office), the book is still quite relevant.  The lessons and information contained within its pages are valuable regardless.  I'll give this book four-and-a-half stars out of five.

- Forsaken Eagle

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Feminism Has No Place in Nerd Culture

My latest provocative post title is more of a personal issue with regards to feminism and what I could only name the "Nerd Culture."  Feminism has definitely started creeping its way into different nerdy pastimes, such as: sci-fi books, shows, and movies; video games; and, most disgustingly, the internet.  Whether it is the female character who must always beat up a male character to prove she is "empowered," or the complaints from females about even these "empowered" female characters are too "objectified" or are "damsels in distress,"  there is always something too "pro-male" about Nerd Culture.  Now to the male nerds who have had larger success rates with the "fairer" half of the species, this may be but a small issue.  However, I see this sudden surge of the female nerds to be an inquisition.  Aside from the (I would roughly say) half of the female nerds who have a genuine interest in Nerd Culture, the other half is only interested in social reformation of everything held dear by nerds the world over.  That reformation is to assert that females are not taken seriously in Nerd Culture.  Then after being acknowledged for their (sometimes justified) complaints, that same old feeling of "we are all equal, but women are more equal to men" shows up.

It is important that I explain why this is a personal topic I have interest in.  I have had minimal success with women.  It is always the same, cliche issues male nerds have with women.  They want nothing to do with me.  Ones who I would consider acquaintances always put me into the "friend zone."  I am just somebody to yell at and complain to every time a jackass hurts her feelings and to tell her why "all men are just pigs."  "Where have all the nice guys gone?" they will ask.  Never mind the problem where they try to find their "nice guys" in the "bad boy" types.  It is like they never think to actually bond with a man who treats them well, who does well in school, who is a hard worker, and (until his good-nature spirit is broken) who wants to help women be his equals.  This is only the beginning of my resentment to feminism.

Nerd Culture has, in a way, always been with me.  I grew up with console systems like the Sega Genesis and the Nintendo 64.  I had the privilege to visit the U.S. Space and Rocket Center when I was about eight-years-old.  This was a HUGE influence on my love of astronomy, space exploration, and science in general.  I am not an outgoing person, so I spent most of my free time playing video games, reading on scientific subjects, or sometimes hanging out with my (male) friends who were into the same things.  I wanted to get along with girls, but they didn't seem to want to get along with me.  Girls became little more to me than just a bunch of the kids who wanted to pick on me for not "fitting in" (although it is pointless trying to fit in due to my inability to change my physical attributes at will).  Not until high school and college did the girls start complaining.

High school was a time to find some extracurricular activities while not studying.  When it came to clubs for video games, board and card games, or anime, there were one or two girls who also were into those things.  I wanted to be friends and share my personal outlets from life with them.  However, they only saw these clubs as "sexist" apparently.  Although they seemed to have enjoy these activities legitimately, they only saw me as some "testosterone poisoned" male.  They claimed it was high time Nerd Culture changed its "patriarchal" ways and welcome females as equals.  This was because of the overwhelmingly male population in Nerd Culture.  Although it is the girls who are too close minded to be into activities that might warp their social stature, it is still the boys' fault that girls are too few in Nerd Culture.  I had a confrontation with one of these activists at a club meeting.  I was not given the light of day.  The girl did not find it necessary to see the issues from another angle.  Plus most of the guys were quick to become white knights to defend her.  At this point, I was done with the club scene.

Nowadays, my only time spent sharing pastimes are with close friends.  It is difficult to even go onto an internet forum and not find issues of feminism slithering through the text.  One of the biggest disappointments to me is not only the females barking discrimination, but the males who just do not want to put up a dialog for real equality.  It would seem every male nerd approves of reverse-discrimination* to achieve "equality".  This is unacceptable to me because it is simply revenge tactics to make men and boys feel that they are the problem for everything that might possibly offeeeeeeend a female.  This is not the right way to go about reaching any form of equality.  It will, hidden behind a veil of guilt, actually sow the seeds of resentment.  Feminists, in their pursuit to fight sexism (real or not), are using hatred to fight hatred.  Nerd men are arguably some of the greatest appeasers of female demands and most tolerant of their behavior.  Despite singing the hymns of feminist rhetoric, nerd men are objects of female scorn.  Men are going to need to stand up for their right to be respected, just like women.  Women are going to need to stop with the rhetoric and start acting like they are equal to men.  Until the time equality becomes a reality and not a buzz word, this slow waltz will only continue perpetually.

I should also note that when I say "reverse-discrimination," I am referring to the pretense that men already discriminated against women.  This is used as justification to use hateful measures against men and deemed perfectly fair and progressive.

- Forsaken Eagle