Friday, August 17, 2012

Addiction to Hate

Back again to share an oldy but goody.  This is an article by seasoned anti-feminist Angry Harry.  It is about the similarities between Feminist and Nazi ideologies.  Now I know that only angry white men are capable of being Nazis.  However, never tell a feminist she can never do something those stinky men can do.  Read away (if you dare):

Feminism and Nazism 
Why do anti-feminists keep insisting that feminism and Nazism are very similar?
Well. The reason is this.
The Nazis were around well before the heavy-duty violence and the gas chambers. And for quite some time they operated in a manner that paralleled in many ways the more recent activities of feminists. 
Furthermore, feminist and Nazi ideology have a lot in common.
Very occasionally I receive an email saying that it is outrageous to compare feminism with Nazism - because it somehow trivialises the terrible experiences of the Jews in the Germany of the 1930s.
But making this comparison does not do this at all.
It does the opposite.
It brings to the attention of people the kind of forces that gave rise to Nazism and, as far as men are concerned - particularly the white ones - it makes them understand a little better the horribleness of discrimination and demonisation.
Furthermore, most Jewish groups do not actually highlight the holocaust in order to gain everybody's sympathy. 
They do it so that people can ****LEARN!****
They do it so that people can see if something heinous is creeping up on us.
Here are 30 similarities between feminism and 'early' Nazism.
Feminism and Nazism have both ...
  1. discriminated against individuals on the basis of their genetic code.
  2. promoted the view that the targeted group was inferior genetically and behaviourally, e.g. see AH's Men Bear a Striking Resemblance to Slugs.
  3. promoted propaganda that led to the targeted group being labeled as 'parasites', e.g. see AH's Steven Jones - A Parasite?
  4. promoted propaganda that led to the targeted group being constantly ridiculed e.g. see Incredible Shrinking Y by Maureen Dowd
  5. promoted propaganda that led to the targeted group being laughed at even when mutilated e.g. Bobbit jokes.
  6. demonised the target group by labeling them as perverts and sexual criminals, e.g. see Put Up or Shut Up by Wendy McElroy
  7. sought to break the target group away from their families e.g. see The Federal Bureau of Marriage? by Professor Stephen Baskerville.
  8. promoted the view that the targeted group was responsible for most of the major ills in society.
  9. disseminated lies and disinformation about the targeted group in order to further promote their own ideology, e.g. see Msinformation by Professor Christina Hoff Sommers
  10. disseminated lies and disinformation about historical matters, e.g. see AH's Did Women Really Want To Go Out To Work?
  11. used intimidation, threats and coercion to prevent their opponents from speaking out e.g. see AH's Feminists are nasty things.
  12. promoted the lie that the privileged group consisted of innocent 'victims' of the targeted group e.g. "women have been oppressed throughout history."
  13. demanded special privileges in the workplace for members of the privileged group e.g. preferential job placements for women 
  14. discriminated against the targeted group in educational matters and in the workplace e.g. see AH's Well Done the Girls?
  15. perverted the justice system so that members of the targeted group were easily discriminated against in the law e.g. in family courts.
  16. arranged matters so that accusers from the privileged group could be shielded by anonymity in the courtroom e.g. in sex-assault cases.
  17. arranged matters so that defendants from the targeted group had to 'prove' their innocence e.g. in sex-assault and domestic violence cases.
  18. arranged matters so that members of the privileged group could capriciously define what, legally, was to be deemed 'a crime', e.g. where nowadays the 'feelings' of women rather than the behaviours of men are the determinants of what constitutes 'a crime' e.g. see The Real Goal Of Feminism by Antonia Feitz - 18 min
  19. arranged matters so that members of the privileged group could capriciously define how the law was to view certain matters e.g. a fetus inside a woman can now be deemed by her - at her whim - to be a worthless piece of tissue or a prospective baby - with all the ramifications of this - regardless of how the father might feel about it all e.g. see AH's Rant Against the Child Support Agency. (Also sexual harassment etc.)
  20. arranged matters so that the law punished members of the targeted group more severely than members of the privileged group for the very same crime e.g. in domestic violence and murder cases.
  21. arranged matters so that members of the targeted group were made responsible for the choices and behaviours of members of the privileged group e.g. in paternity fraud cases where duped fathers still have to pay child support.
  22. arranged matters so that members of the privileged group who harmed, or even murdered, members of the targeted group were shown undue leniency - and were often actually applauded for their actions, e.g. see Killer given domestic violence award and AH's Loose Women.
  23. arranged matters so that the law punished members of the targeted group severely for even trivial offences - e.g. domestic violence, sexual harassment.
  24. arranged matters so that members of the privileged group earned a right to the property of members of the targeted group for no other reason than that they were members of the privileged group e.g. alimony, child custody.
  25. arranged matters so that certain speech or attitudes directed against the privileged group were criminalised e.g. biased 'hate speech' laws.
  26. demanded subservience to the prevailing ideology and to the government.
  27. effectively controlled the mainstream media and the academic institutions and arranged for them to present a dishonest and dishonourable point of view in support of their ideology. 
  28. consistently highlighted and exaggerated the achievements and the suffering of the privileged group while downplaying the achievements and the suffering of the targeted group e.g. see Human Rights are not for Men by Melanie Phillips.
  29. ran government-funded educational courses in universities (e.g. Women's Studies, Title IX) and in schools to promote the privileged group at the expense of the targeted group.
  30. persisted in a long term campaign of hatred toward the targeted group, e.g. "Women need men like a fish needs a bicycle." "Men think about sex every 15 seconds." etc. Also see AH's Permanent Menstrual Tension.
Bar the heavy violence and the gas chambers - which came towards the end of the Nazis hold on power - feminism and early Nazism are surely very similar indeed!
Hermann Goering
Hermann Goering ... "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." 
Feminists ... "The people can always be brought to the bidding of the feminist leaders. All you have to do is tell women and children that they are being attacked (by men) and denounce those who protest as 'supporters of abuse' and for exposing women and children to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Feminism. Nazism.
Nazism. Feminism.
The 'best interests of the child' ...
"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people." Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf
Feminism. Nazism.
Nazism. Feminism.
November 2010
Irish Income Tax Cut Only For Women The IMF's plan to cut women's income tax rate by five percentage points could raise Ireland's GDP as well as tackle inequality.
Yep; it is now being proposed that men on lower pay should subsidise women on higher pay - even though men put far more into the government pot than do women, and even thought they get less out of it.
And yet, purely on the basis of their genetic code, it is being said that men should pay even more.
The Jews must pay higher tax rates than the Germans.

That is a pretty solid list there if you don't mind my saying.  A lot of the hurt feelings seem to come from the instantaneous thought of gas chambers and Panzers touring around Europe.  Nazism was much, much more than that.  It was the end result of fomented hatred and manipulation.  Whenever a large population allows such evils to manifest and take over, a beast nobody would think possible will take a life of its own.  The damage can never be fully recovered from.  I ask those who find my views particularly offensive to check themselves out in the mirror.  Like I like to say, the people who always demand tolerance are the very thing they hate.

I want to type up more posts about the left's, and feminism's in particular, addiction to hate.  Growing up, I have come to realize that the most hateful people in society are projecting their own hateful natures onto others.  The day I questioned the so-called victim groups, I faced that pure hatred for the first time.  I won't go back to intellectual serfdom.  Yelling, screaming, crying, and threatening me will 100% guarantee I will never go back to being water boy for your team.

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
― Voltaire

Forsaken Eagle

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